Thursday, January 17, 2013

Food poisoning

I woke up last night around 1am with a horrible feeling.. I was sweating and my stomach was in knots. I knew immediately what this meant... I had food poisoning.. again.

I spent a large part of the remaining morning heaving over the side of my toilet. Unfortunately with the new changes in schedule I now have 4 classes to teach instead of 2 joint classes, which means it would be far to much to ask another teacher to fill in for me. So here I am sitting at my desk preparing to teach for the next 4 hours straight even though I can hardly stand. Also Jakarta is experiencing some of the worst flooding it has experienced in 6 years. I've never seen anything like it. The whole city is stuck as huge parts of the road network are under water. I was able to take some back roads and arrived home safe.


  1. Praying for you Jess!! I hope you feel better soon! I know the feeling well! Its horrible!!!!
