Friday, March 15, 2013


I've mentioned many times before how I can never truly blend into society here in Indonesia. I have lived here for almost 3 years and yet I will always stand out as a non native. I can never truly become accepted. I have come to terms with this and am very used to the consequences. However, on occasion I am rudely reminded.. When talking/arguing with someone yesterday I was told the reason for our disagreement was due to my Western mentality and nothing else. I cannot tell you how many times I have been told that.. you simply don't understand, oh your Western your different, etc etc. I can be extremely frustrating especially when I know it is not true. I am not perfect, I don't know everything, but I have lived in many different cultures regions and countries, I understand differences in culture but never have I been somewhere where that excuse is used more often. I really have come to think of it as just that.. an excuse. An excuse to continue doing things stubbornly in disregard of reality.

Thats my rant for the day...

Tomorrow I will be in Singapore relaxing and enjoying good food and fun.. and no stress!

1 comment:

  1. I love this line, "I really have come to think of it as just that.. an excuse. An excuse to continue doing things stubbornly in disregard of reality." I know it's not highly related, but this is how I feel all the time when I talk about feminism with people who have disregarded the idea before they have ever researched it. I know it's frustrating but keep you chin up. Love and miss you, enjoy your relaxation!
