Monday, April 15, 2013

Comes and goes

The weekend has concluded and I am back at work... I have been really good about getting sleep this whole school year so tired mondays are a thing of the past but its can still be a struggle at times just to go to work.

For the last 2 years I have had a feeling of anxiousness by mid May with the knowledge that I would be returning home. I have that feeling already even though it is only April... I am already thinking far to much about moving home and what that will entail. I remember how bad it got last year in the final weeks and how I vowed not to let that happen again. I have to just blank it out and carry on in order to stay productive but its hard to not think about as my time is coming to a close...

In other news I bought a beta fish yesterday. I just miss having a pet so bad. Its not much consolation but its something...


  1. No name yet.. I started to name it ironically but then I felt bad for it and decided to wait.. Unfortunately fish don't have much personality to warrant a name...

  2. This might not be helpful...but I am really looking forward to seeing you soonish.

  3. It needs a matter what. Name it after this time in your life. What word would you put on that? Jakarta? Island? Indo?
