Friday, May 24, 2013

wait for it...

Last night I went through the majority of my stuff to determine what I will keep and what I will get rid of. It didn't take me all that long but it was still a big chore and came with some big decisions. I can only take two items of luggage home with me. So 3 years of stuff has to be reduced to two pieces of luggage... This will not be easy.

I gave a lot of useful teaching tools and books that I have been hoarding to the other teachers today and have been helping other teachers prepare for next year as well. I am judging the schools debate in half an hour and then thats it. Nothing left but giving exams and then grading exams... Time has gone at record speed.

This weekend I will be taking a bunch of my students to play paintball in Bogor. Its about an hour drive down and will probably be a good 2-3 hours back due to traffic but it will be so much fun. What teacher hasn't dreamed of being able to shoot a paintball gun at their students? Or a student getting to shoot their teacher? I think its going to be a blast though as the biggest target physically I think I will be the biggest target mentally as well. It going to be some good fun. Although come monday when I am covered in welts I might think differently....

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