Monday, September 22, 2014

Never enough rest

Sometimes the weekends just go too quickly... On occasion I feel like I've rested well and even though 5am monday morning is no welcome sight I can still rise quickly to tackle the day. At the moment though I just feel like the weekends hardly exist.

Jackie and I had a frustrating mall experience on saturday night. We rarely go to one of the big malls and even more rarely on the weekend. Foolishly we decided to do so on Saturday... after sitting in traffic for 45 minutes (usually 5-10) we arrived to a massively overcrowded mall. After dinner we attempted to return home but were thwarted again by crowds. The lines for taxis were incredibly long so we strolled down the street to grab a taxi before it arrived. However taxi after taxi rebuffed us only to pick someone else moments later. It can be very frustrating being white here sometimes. They just don't want to deal with a white person who more often than not doesn't speak bahasa Indonesian though sometimes I think they just don't like white people. We tried over and over to get a taxi before finally walking back to the taxi line where we waited another 45 minutes to finally get a taxi. We both felt annoyed and fed up with taxis. More often than not they take advantage of the fact that most westerners do not speak Indonesian or know directions or even have a complete understanding of the currency. Nearly half of all taxis will attempt to cheat you in some small way by taking you a longer way, "not having enough change" or speeding up their meter. It can be awfully frustrating when you are already having a bad day.

Jackie and I treated ourselves to some Outback steakhouse yesterday which I think was enjoyed as much for the food as it was not having to cook and clean up afterwards.

I'm struggling to be motivated right now and just might be procrastinating...

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