Monday, October 27, 2014

Good with the bad: Ikea and Puncak

Last week somehow stretched on and on. Usually the days fly by but not last week for whatever reason. So I very much looked forward to the weekend I think I went to sleep at around 8pm on friday night... I am such a party animal.

On saturday Jackie and I went to the new Ikea in Alam Sutra Jakarta. A friend let us use their car and driver which made the trip a lot easier. I couldn't believe how crowded it was... packed to the gills with people using common Indonesian "courtesy" so it became very uncomfortable. The food court was so over crowded and the lines so long Jackie and I pushed past our extreme hunger and finished shopping to eat afterwards. We found all sorts of great plants and things and had a great day although I became frustrated when I reached the checkout only to find empty aisles. The vast majority of shoppers were there only to look around and to eat.

Yesterday Jackie and I still had use of the driver and car so we decided to go to Puncak again. We set off in the morning to head into the mountains to go for a hike amongst the mountains and fresh air. However after stopping for lunch we were faced with the reality that the road had reversed... You see in Puncak the main road going up and down the mountain only allows one flow of traffic at a time. On normal occasions the traffic reverses every 1-2 hours. Yesterday, they decided to reverse flow every 5 hours. So for 5 hours you could not go up the mountain... only down. Then for the next 5 hours you can only go up. We drove all the way to Puncak, had lunch, then had to return home... we then spent 2 1/2 hours stuck in traffic so all told we drove for 5-6 hours for lunch. Once again we were forced to take the good with the bad in regards to life in Indonesia.

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