Monday, September 29, 2014

Great getaway

This last weekend Jackie and I set out from Jakarta to Bogor which is about an hour south into the mountains to go to one of the best zoos on earth. A friend let us use their car and driver so we were able to sit back and enjoy the clean air, tropical forests, and amazing animals. Afterwards we went to a local plant market and bought some amazing bonsai trees for less than 20$! Then we walked around a local tea plantation. It was a beautiful day and much needed. When living in a polluted and bustling city like Jakarta its necessary to get out now and again to be reminded of what Indonesia really is.

Also over the weekend I adopted another kitten... Poor little guy was dying on the side of the road. I don't know if I will keep it or give it to a shelter. I may also give my other cat over to the shelter... I haven't decided yet what to do but for now am enjoying having a small zoo of my own. So for now I have a Bagheera and a Mowgli.

1 comment:

  1. You seem to be having a bit of a different experience this time with Jackie there! Cats, plants, tea plantations, cooking...haha! Im so glad!
