Tuesday, September 2, 2014

No rest for the weary

I have the same schedule most days now. Wake at 5am, arrive at work just after 6am, leave no later than 4pm, return home to cook/do laundry/clean, prepare lessons/grade quizzes, then sleep by 10pm. Every now and again I sneak in a trip to the grocery store or go out for dinner but for the most part that is my weekly schedule. I hardly have time to spend with my fiancé and I have hardly any down time. My only free time comes on the weekends but unfortunately Jackie usually has to work those days so we are not seeing each other as much as we would like...

Still I am enjoying many aspects of my time over here. I usually get a few hours in the weekend sitting by my pool in the tropical sun which really recharges my batteries and allows me to take stock of how many blessings I have in my life right now.

I am still facing many difficulties at work and am constantly frustrated by the realities of a third world country but hopefully that should be changing and at least moving forward within the next few weeks. Always wait wait wait.... We shall see

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